Thursday, November 8, 2007

First Fruits

The first step in teaching our kids about "being thankful" is to teach them about tithing.
I find it simply amazing how adults think we should not challenge kids in the area of giving. They reason; "kids don't have much money so we shouldn't ask them for the little they have".

It's interesting to note that in the Bible, Jesus encouraged the widow woman for giving the little that she had. He didn't rebuke the people who took up the offering. If we don't teach our kids about tithing and giving they will grow up with a "feeling of entitlement" which is very deadly

Deb and I always sat down with our children when handing out their allowance. I would say to them: "There are four things you can do with your money; tithe it, save it, spend it or give it away -and you should practice all four. We would divide their allowance into the four evelopes and invlolve them in the decision making process. (When they turned 17 they both had over $5,000 in savings they they used to buy a car with.) I didn't buy them their first car - they did by saving partof their alowance every week.

As a Pastor I teach the kids in my class about bringing their first fruits. One object lesson I have done involves eating a banana while I am teaching. When I was a kid I would spend my most of my allowance as soon as I got it. First I went to K-mart and bought some candy. (take a bite form the banana) Then I would go buy an ice cream cone( Take another bite)
Then I went to the drug store and bought some comic books (take another bite) When I got to church on Sunday I would reach into my pocket and say "Sorry God this is all I have left" (throw the banana peel into an offering bucket) I was giving God what I had leftover. The Bible says God wants your first fruits, not your leftovers. Also your tithe should come form your money not your Mom's money. Alot of kids will ask Mom for money for the offering - that's ok, but you still haven't paid "your tithe" yet.

Tithing is first base when teaching your kids to have a "grateful heart' When you bring your tithe to God you are saying "Thank You God! I reconize that everything I have belongs to you!

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