Saturday, January 19, 2008

Step #3 - Learning To Forget

“…This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before….” Philippians 3:13

The past is possibly the biggest hindrance to running your race. We need to be quick to repent, quick to forgive and quick to forget the past. The quicker we can learn to forget, the faster we will run our race.

When I think about being quick to repent (change) it reminds me of a time I was standing in line at the grocery store with my children. Mark was 4 years old and Missy was 2 years old. My son Mark was provoking Missy to try and push her buttons as we were standing in line. Like a “good parent” I was trying to ignore them hoping they would solve their own conflict. All of a sudden 2-year-old Missy just balled up her fist and punched Mark right in the face.

Mark looked up at me with that pitiful “what are you going to do Daddy” look. Before I could respond, Missy (who saw what was about to happen) wrapped her arms around her brother and gave him a big hug. Everybody in line started laughing as the man behind me said “She sure knows how to handle a man doesn’t she” This is a funny story, yet it is also a powerful illustration of how quickly God wants us to forget the past and get on with doing what we know he wants us to do. (Missy didn’t wait for her father to correct her, she just instantly did what she knew I was going to ask her to do.)

I find that most people who quit serving in ministry do so because somebody hurt them.
Everybody gets hurt in ministry. If you quit the team gets weaker. It’s time to forgive yourself and others who may have hurt you. Forget about the past and get back in the race. We need you!


Sherrie C said...

Hi Mark,
It's Sherrie Crowe, Father's House, San Diego. We still have our Power Team (12 youth, kids that we mentor and train to do kids ministry with us). We are looking for a new curriculum. They love to do drama. Have any suggestions?

Mark Harper said...

Hi Sherrie,

Most the new curriculums I have seen place more of an emphasis on Media/DVD's and less on doing live skits. We are doing a theatrical production at church called Kids Studio which happens after the Sunday Morning Servie. It's aimed at parents.

It is 30 minute program that has about 15 minutes of drama. The web page is I could send you a DVD if you are interested.

Do you ever go to the CPC in San Diego? They would have all the latest curriculums available.
I may be attending this year. I think it is early March.