Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Leading Up

"Leadership doesn't always start at the top, but it always manages to affect the folks up at the top." Seth Godin

The most effective way to increase your influence is to Lead Up. When I say "Lead Up" I'm talking about having influence with those that "out rank" you, especially your pastor.

The biggest challenge that most children's pastors have is their relationship with their pastor. It's surprising how many children's pastors have a dysfunctional relationship with their pastor. There are two extremes that I see in the local church.

1 - Intimidation - Many children's pastors are intimidated to bring new ideas to their senior pastor especially if they have a different opinion. If you are intimidated by your senior pastor then your children's ministry will suffer.

2 - Disrespect - In the other ditch are those people who become disillusioned when the figure out that their pastor isn't perfect. A few years ago I read this on a children's ministry blog, "I love my church, I love the kids, I love the parents, I just don't love my pastor." WOW! the Bible tells us to "love our enemies." If God wants us to love our enemies, I'm quite sure that He wants us to love our pastor.

The other day I was reading the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. I saw something I had never seen before. The story of David and Goliath is a good example of Leading Up. We will talk more about this next time, but in the meantime, take a few minutes to read I Samuel 17. What are your thoughts? How did David use his influence to Lead Up!

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