Sunday, December 19, 2010

Does God Speak To Kids Pt. 2

Last week we talked about the number one way that God speaks to us is through the inward witness which is a "spiritual feeling." This week we will cover the second most frequent way that God speaks to you is by the voice of your own spirit, which is the voice of your conscience. Your conscience comes as a still small voice (1 Kings 19:12).

Number Two: The Voice of Your Spirit. If you have been born again, your conscience is a safe guide. If you're not born again, your conscience is not a safe guide. The inward voice is a little different than the inward witness in that you actually hear words on the inside of you - you hear a still small voice.

I've taught kids to listen to the voice of their spirit by putting them in real-life situations. "How many of you have ever been tempted to steal a candy bar at a grocery store, but you heard a voice say, 'No'?" Or, "How many of you have ever walked past your bedroom, and seeing it all messy, you heard a voice say, 'Remember, Mom told you to clean up your room'"? That is your conscience—the voice of your spirit—sometimes called the inward voice. 

Spiritual Exercise 
To teach children about the inward voice, have everyone worship for about five minutes, then ask everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes. Say, "Listen to your heart." Wait about 60 seconds and just listen. Then ask, "Did anybody hear anything?" As children raise their hand, have them come forward and tell what they heard. (This helps give the children confidence to stand up and give out a word or a prophecy if the Holy Spirit gives them one.) 

Children often say things like:
"Jesus loves me."
"He told me to tell my friends about Him."
"He told me to be nice to my sister."

Tell them, "That is the voice of your spirit, your conscience talking to you. Your body has a voice. It tells you when it's hungry. Your mind has a voice, the voice of reason. Your spirit has a voice too, your conscience." (This same exercise can be used at home during devotions.)

As your spirit talks to you, sometimes you will hear words that Jesus wants you to share with everyone. That's what we call a prophecy. If the Holy Spirit gives you a prophecy, then He will also anoint you to share it with others.

Most people who miss it with prophecy do so because they try to prophesy something that was just for them. (For example, you would never stand up and give out a prophecy like, "Thus saith the Lord, clean your room." No, that was message was just for you.) 

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