Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Feed YOUR Volunteers

Dunkin_Donuts_0005Feed your volunteers. I’m not talking about coffee and donuts. I’m talking about ministering to your volunteers. Jesus told us “to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.” The word “disciple” means “a taught or trained one.”

We can’t only train volunteers. We have to feed our volunteers the Word of God. If children’s pastors would pour themselves into their volunteers with the same passion they pour themselves into their kids, then people would know that the leader cares about them personally and we wouldn’t have any recruiting problems. You have a responsibility to minister to your volunteers not just your kids. Your job is more than putting names on a schedule or getting someone to help do a skit. You are to pastor or feed your volunteers.

The spiritual growth of your kids is limited to the spiritual growth of those volunteers that are ministering to them.

Other "entrees" on the menu about pastoring your volunteers:

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