Sunday, November 11, 2007

Are you a Lone Ranger?

One of the greatest enemies of Children's Pastors is the Lone Ranger Syndrome.
Do you feel like the whole church is backslid because somebody moved your DVD player?
(I know I've had that thought before.)
Do you have thoughts like this:
"The other leaders in the church do not have a vision for reaching children."
I've had to battle these thoughts my whole ministry.

The other day the Lord asked me "Do your support their vision?"
To be totally honest, I had to answer "no I didn't".
With my words I supported the other Pastors and Leadrs in my church but my actions told another story.
When I thought about it, the only ministry I was involved in was children's ministry.
(Like everybody else, I have lots of really good reasons to not help other people with their vision.)

I did something this weekend that I have never done before. I attended our Men's Advance at a resort in Gradn Rapids, MN.
(That's faith language for men's retreat)
It's hard to believe but in 30 years of serving in churches I have never attended a Men's Advance.
I had a graet time, rewewed some old friednships and (by my participation) I communicated to the other Pastors in the church that I support their vision.
I heard a Preacher say this once "great leaders know how to work with other leaders".
If you have been running with your vision and it seems lile you have hit an invisible wall, maybe it's time to support someone else's vision.

1 comment:

Todd McKeever said...

Good post mark. I really like the last two sentences the best.