Words are Powerful
Ephesians 4:29, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up..” (NIV)
Words are powerful. (Read James, chapter three.) Words are like tools. We can use our words to destroy people or we can use our words to build people up. If someone has spoken mean words that have hurt you, you may be tempted to say mean things back to them. You may want to punish them with
your words.
Not only does God want us to forgive people that hurt us, He wants us to say nice things back to them. This is really hard to do, but it is what God does for us and we have the Agape kind of love inside of us.
The love of God never participates in gossip. Never talk bad about somebody behind their back. This grieves the Holy Spirit, because they are His kids too. (Ephesians 4:30) If someone has hurt you, it is good to talk with them to resolve the conflict, but it is never right to talk about someone behind their back.
Speak words of love. You can do this. Choose to say words that build people up, especially if you are tempted not to. You can always find something nice to say about somebody. The Bible says that pleasant words are like a honeycomb. This is one of the simplest ways to walk in love. Say nice things. Speak words of love.
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