Anger is a normal feeling that we all get. Anger alerts us when someone has crossed our boundaries. It is okay to protect yourself from getting hurt again. But it is wrong to use our anger to punish somebody.
Do not let your anger turn into sin. Is it possible to be angry and sin not? I asked the Lord once, “When does the sin begin?” He said, “The sin begins when you open your mouth.” Have you ever been really, really angry? Like red hot angry. If so, it is best to keep your mouth shut. Never use your words to punish people.
Do not let anger control you. Have you ever done something while you were angry that you regretted later on? When you were mad it felt good, but after the anger was gone, you felt ashamed. If so, then you let anger take control. God wants you to be in control so never give the steering wheel to anger. Exercise self control. In others words stay in control of yourself.
God wants us to do three things with our anger.
1. Overlook the small things. Forgive one another.
2. Don’t let anger take control. Wait until you calm down.
3. Deal with it. Don’t go to bed if you are still angry. Talk to whoever you are mad at, but be nice about it. Never use your words to punish people.
This is a good lesson to share. Thank you Mark
Thank you
Thank you Jeanne.
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